After six years of blog posts and more than 100 hikes around the North Bay, the Trailhead blog is over. I’m moving out of the area so my hiking will now happen somewhere else, but it was fun to so actively explore the hills, mountains, trails, streams and open spaces of the entire Bay Area.

And it was fun to share some of my experiences through words and images to with you. Your comments over the year were often interesting and provocative, and it was nice to get feedback on new places to hike.

My top 5 favorite hiking spots in the North Bay:

– Alamere Falls. If you haven’t been there, go. The walk there and back itself is spectacular. And the multiple falls, especially the long one to the ocean, are amazing. In all my hikes there, I was never once disappointed.

– Annadel State Park. My backyard go-to spot. Whether long or short, it was a reflective place. And it’s so well-used but spacious enough that I never felt alone but never felt crowded either. A true gem.

– Gunsight Rock. It was the first hike I ever did when I moved here (…. nice to pick a killer one to start with) and I met some amazing people there. And it’s the hike where I got to test the patience and resolve of my future wife in memorable fashion. (She passed.)

– Oat Hill Mine. This Calistoga trek is not an easy one and I’ve had some adventures there. But it’s so worth it (credit bendabout). The wagon wheel ruts, the valley views, the climb past the old homestead ruins and more.

– Armstrong Woods. To be so close to some of the larger redwoods anywhere and to walk around and among them is always special.

Happy trails and thanks for reading!


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